About Advertising
UCTV Advertising is a great way for both student and university organizations and local businesses to reach the UConn student community, and college demographic.
The UCTV Advertising department can make a commercial custom to your organization or business to be aired on UCTV and posted online.
With our HD equipment and state-of-the-art studio facilities, UCTV Advertising is the best choice of media for reaching the UConn community.
Advertising Spotlight
Advertising Director | Gavin Vitale
New to UCTV but not new to using Adobe Premiere, Gavin Vitale jumped up the ladder in a year to get the Advertising Director role. When not working in the office, he can be found working as a marketing assistant at the Rec, a freelance videographer, and a video editor for a variety of businesses in the private, corporate, and government sectors. As of this fall, he is in his final year of University, finishing up his Digital Media and Design major, with a concentration in Film and Video Production.
“But you can’t have all the work and no play, right?” No matter how much he may have on his plate, he always makes time to chill by taking hikes or road trips with his friends, and occasionally reading with a nice cup of lemon ginger tea.
Check out his portfolio! gavinvitale.com